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Fentanyl Crisis

The unintentional fentanyl related deaths in Texas continue to rise at an alarming rate year after year according to the Texas Department of State Health Services with over 2000 deaths in 2022. People aged 18 - 44 make up 74% of the deaths, and by sex, males make up 72% of the deaths.

With the passage of the “Fentanyl Murder” statute, law enforcement now has the ability to charge a dealer or manufacturer of fentanyl, or a related opioid, with murder if death occurs as a result. Investigating a “Fentanyl Murder” will require law enforcement to merge two disciplines: Homicide Investigation and Drug Investigation. It will also require coordination with the District Attorney’s Office, Justices of the Peace, EMS, and hospitals to develop a crime scene response approach to overdoses.

As your Sheriff, I will take the fentanyl crisis seriously and work with the District Attorney’s Office, Justices of the Peace, EMS, and hospitals to develop a robust procedure that will enhance our abilities to investigate the crime, gather evidence, prosecute offenders, advocate for the victim, and help to keep Washington County safer.

Paid Pol. Ad Paid for by the Trey Holleway Campaign, P.O. Box 132, Chappell Hill, TX 77426, Roger Metzger, Treasurer. 
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