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Employee Recruiting and Retention

Recruiting and retaining employees is a challenge faced by law enforcement agencies across the nation. It takes creative measures to attract potential officers, fill vacancies, and create a work environment with incentives to retain employees.

We have a great opportunity in our community to partner with area schools to explore internship positions for students who are in criminal justice programs. An internship program in our county jail has the potential to be a great asset in assisting with administrative functions such as clerical work and data entry for the student to get an exposure to the criminal justice system without being in contact with the inmates. Our students who meet the requirements of a jailer could work as paid interns in the county jail following the completion of training and certification. This would allow them the opportunity to earn credits toward their degree or diploma, establish work experience, and provide a recruiting platform for the Sheriff’s Office.

Employee retention is rooted in effective leadership. What attracted an employee is not what keeps an employee. A work environment that encourages personal development, goal achievement, performance standards, compensation stipends, career progression, and accountability is the cornerstone of a healthy organization that empowers employees at every level and at every position.

As your Sheriff, I will use my administrative and leadership experience to attract and retain career employees.

Paid Pol. Ad Paid for by the Trey Holleway Campaign, P.O. Box 132, Chappell Hill, TX 77426, Roger Metzger, Treasurer. 
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